
I thought I would make a blog post discussing what I would like to do with my degree. I am currently enrolled in the Gender Studies program at the University of Victoria. With my degree, I am planning to either apply for a Masters Degree or study to go to law school. I am unsure of whether I would like to apply for a Masters in Gender Studies or Communications.

I believe that the important topics that Gender Studies teaches should be brought to the corporate world. In current years, it has become clear that there are specific privileges in the workplace that need to be addressed. I would love to be apart of an organization that goes to corporations and educates their staff with intent of bettering their environment. I think educating in a non-traditional form would be super helpful. It leaves room for those who may not be interested or think these topics don’t apply to them, to learn without pressure but encouragement.

I chose to go to law school, I would like to work on projects related to Gender Studies. I believe with the growing conversation of privilege, inequality and expression, there is room to work in this field. There has been considerable developments in the law that has acknowledged minorities injustices. Yet, there is still so much that needs to be done. It feels like every week there is a new injustice that is brought to light. I would like to be someone who is working to fight it.

Thank you for reading!
